Avoiding using a reference file by leveraging a lookup table
When it comes to the basis of best practices, approach should always be simplified and efficient. Avoiding updating connect logic allows for a client to be self-sufficient and save on cost by making updates directly in Incent. Exceptions based on data point values is a common scenario supported by maintaining a reference file using connect. Usually if the list of values is small, we use Incent. However, if the list of values is long and ever changing, clients typically lean on reference files.
We had a recent client requirement where payees on a plan were penalized and awarded for selling or not selling a building advisor add-on product. If the building advisor field was one of three qualifying values, the payee received a +2% commission rate kicker. If building advisor field was not one of the three values, the payee received a -2% penalty commission rate kicker. However, if the payee was selling to one of the 300 exception accounts, then the building advisor logic should be bypassed altogether, and the payee should not be penalized nor rewarded.
Rather than using a reference file to store the exception accounts, we were able to do this directly in Incent using a lookup table. Using a two-column lookup table, we are able to store account names in one column and populate return value column with 1. In the exception rules, we set a relational formula that checked against the lookup table for accounts that returned “1”. In normal building advisor rules, we set a relational formula that checked against the lookup table for accounts that didn’t return “1”. In doing so, we are able to store the exception accounts in a lookup table vs a reference file and successfully achieve the logic, directly in Incent.
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