SAP Callidus Cloud – Transaction Uniqueness
The SAP Callidus Cloud Transaction Uniqueness is defined by the following CDL Imported columns:
- OrderID
- LineNumber
- SublineNumber
- EventTypeID
- BusinessUnitName
If the same Transaction (with the keys above) is resent to the Cloud (in a separate Batch), the Cloud will update that same original Transaction and not create a new one. For instance, for Transaction 1, on January 1st, if resent on January 2nd, the Transaction will be updated where only one Transaction (with one Unique Cloud Sales Transaction Primary key – SALESTRANSACTIONSEQ) will exist in the Cloud.
Additionally, for the same Unique Transaction that exists in the Cloud, you cannot re-assign to a different Business Unit.
Finally, you cannot load 2 Transactions with different Compensation Dates in the same CDL Batch for the Unique Composite Transaction Key noted above. This will fail Cloud Based Stage Validation Import.
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