SPM Program Assessment & Future State Planning
Supercharge your compensation strategy by utilizing the right sales performance management solutions and ignite success through a meticulously crafted and automated process that not only saves time but also ensures your sales team is fully engaged. Thus, enabling them to make a significant impact on your company’s growth trajectory.

SPM Program Assessment & Future State Planning
OpenSymmetry offers a complete end-to-end analysis for defining and planning a more efficient best-in-class future state solution to support your Sales Performance Management program. We’ll work with you to assess your current state and existing pain points, determine the target future state, and develop the long-term roadmap to get there. This includes optimization, justification, and solution recommendations.
We help develop future needs that are suited for automation and designed with full understanding of the strengths and limitations of SPM systems. OpenSymmetry incorporates a multi-step approach to the assessment customized to your needs that ensures the recommendations will work for the solution and provide the most benefit to your situation.
Stop searching. We have your answers.

Assessment Process
Gain a comprehensive understanding of current program health
Identify key challenges, pain points, and goals of the SPM program
ID future state needs for smarter incentive compensation management

Assess concerns, risks, and capabilities of the current solution against the Client needs
Develop next steps, associated costs, and timeline in support of program recommendations

to receive best practice next steps.
OpenSymmetry will complete a holistic review of your Sales Performance Management program leveraging; expertise, benchmarks & best-practices to identify opportunities to improve incentive compensation management process. This assessment will be completed to assess the current health of the program focusing on the current technology to evaluate the solutions ability to meet your needs. Leveraging information gained during this effort, OpenSymmetry will provide additional information regarding alternative technologies (available in the market) to you so you may assess options to achieve a more efficient, low risk operation.
Following completion of this work effort, you will have the necessary information and knowledge to confidently invest in the current ICM solution or consider alternative solutions.
Stop searching. We have your answers.
Look no further! Our performance management consulting coupled with sales compensation consultants have all the answers you need!

About Us
OpenSymmetry enables clients to achieve greater operational efficiency and get better sales results. We are a global consulting company specializing in the planning, implementation, and optimization of industry leading technology suppliers of sales performance management solutions.